The researchers tracked a group of around 4,200 teenagers during their teenage years starting at age 12. The children, who were all wearing accelerators to help measure their physical activity, were monitored at ages 12, 14 and 16. The results indicated that every hour of additional physical activity decreased depressive symptoms (low mood, loss of pleasure, poor concentration) by between 8-11%. In fact, the adolescents with the highest inactivity had depression scores over 28% more than other children who were getting physical exercise. This once again indicates a clear correlation between physical activity and depressive symptoms.
The results of this study are especially important now during quarantine and isolation, as many of our gyms and physical activity centers are shut down. But on the other hand, with so much more free time available at our hands, it is important that we spend at least an hour everyday getting the exercise that our body needs. Take a jog, do some push-ups and sit-ups, or play basketball in your backyard. These will not only help everyone stay healthy, but will play an important role in keeping us upbeat and less prone to suffering from depression.
Thank you, It seems I really needed to read this.
I am probably going to have to end up reading it a few times along the way to get it to sink in and act on it, but it resonated with me in such a profound way that I just had to say thank you.