Category: Blogs

Genetics and Brain Development

In biology, and specifically in human growth and development, there are always two parts to any equation, nurture and nature. We have talked about nurture quite a bit in previous blogs, discussing the effects of socio-cultural interactions and family on ….

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The adolescent brain and bias

The teenage years are some of the most formative years of an individual’s growth and development. As adolescents hit puberty and begin to see the world from a more developed perspective, their brains start to mold, affected not only by their genetics but also by experiences and social factors.

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The Importance of Love in Neurodevelopment

When we talk about development, we often talk about children and adolescents learning from education, life experiences, and social interactions. Amongst these social interactions – encompassing friendship, peer pressures, and environmental stimuli – is love.

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Brain Development During Adolescence

During childhood and adolescence, our brains are especially plastic, which means they are prone to changing dependent on experiences that they face. In adolescence especially, a specific region of the brain known as the prefrontal cortex is especially plastic. The prefrontal cortex is responsible for enabling us to control our emotion, make good decisions, and […]

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How Does Coronavirus Affect the Brain?

With the coronavirus has taken over the world causing mass lockdowns and completely uprooting our way of life, many of us know someone close to us who has been infected with the virus.

Even with over 2 million cases globally, doctors and scientists are still tracking the path that the coronavirus takes down the human body. Typically, the coronavirus is inhaled by an individual, and the virus looks for cells abundant in a receptor by the name of  angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2).

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